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Latest Updates

New Features

The ability to track and manage member affiliations has been added to Golden Records Online so that the affiliation status of members can be managed and reported.  There is a self service element so club members can update their affiliation status through the user portal.

Similarly a system to manage qualifications of members such as Coach or First Aider has been added.  Existing member coaching level records have been moved to Qualifications.

Reports have been refreshed and expanded.

Members can now record their attendance through the user portal

(Posted 8/11/2024)  

New Achievements System

Awards on Golden Records Online have been renamed Achievements to more closely reflect tracking and rewarding progress.  This is accompanied by adding the popular 252 scheme which is editable to reflect that it is not implemented the same way by all clubs.

It is also now possible for clubs to set up their own badge schemes to set goals and reward achievements.

Tracking of badge and trophy holders is now supported, making it possible to see who has (or has not) been given a badge or trophy and for its return to be recorded.

(Posted 6/12/2024)  

Personal Bests

There is an update to display of personal best scores providing information on how the score ranks and improvement.

This has also been added to the clubs section and the API.

Thanks to Adam Hill of Gosport Bowmen for providing the background code.

(Posted 5/23/2024)