Golden Records Online
User Guide for Personal Users
The Settings page provides access to system settings:
Preferred Naming Style for Seasons  Seasons are managed and created automatically, this function sets the preferred style for naming seasons (eg Outdoor 2021)
Apply Strict Archery GB Rules sets whether rules are applied loosely or strictly.  For example a Frostbite round is popular but is unofficial.  Setting Strict Rules will exclude Frostbite scores from handicap calculations.
Allow Unofficial Score Ratings provides an exception to the Strict Rules settings to calculate handicaps and classifications for the score, but these will not be included in computation of handicap or classification of the archer unless Strict Rules is turned off.
Assess Equivalent Senior Ratings calculates the equivalent standard senior ratings (eg Men and Women) when scores are shot in age restricted groups (eg 50+ or Under 21).
Exclude 2020 Outdoor Season from Handicaps and Classifications applies the exemption of 2020 outdoor scores granted by Archery GB on account of the global pandemic.
Record Golds and Xs determines if Golden Records shows Golds and Xs or Golds and Tens for score entry/display.  Note that this does not change the internal storage of scores only how the Tens field in the database is displayed to the user.
Labels for User Fields there are two user fields which can be used for any purpose, to change the heading for them enter values here.  Otherwise they will be described as User 1 and User 2.